Union University of California
Union University of California is a
non-denominational, comprehensive, Christian online university. Its headquarter is located in Westminster, California. Since 1986 UUC has been a leader in educating and equipping individuals for impact in ministries and the marketplace.
Mission Statement
The Vietnamese Theological School (VTS) seeks to be biblically grounded, Gospel-centered, contextually sensitive, and mission oriented. VTS is part of U.S.-based Union University of California, a Christian higher education institution that equips men and women to serve God in the church and society in Vietnam and beyond.
Why Study at VTS?
Quality Programs
VTS programs have been developed and taught by God-loving instructors who are experts in their specialized disciplines. Most instructors have doctorates from prominent seminaries in the United States and the United Kingdom.
VTS prepares God’s future servants to be effective church leaders in the context of Vietnamese culture in Vietnam and abroad.
Flexible Learning Style
VTS programs are delivered online through a modern learning platform used by thousands of educational organizations around the world.
In this educational environment, students are empowered to take control of their educational experience, managing their time, research, and assignments from anywhere and on any device.
Accredited in U.S.A.
UUC is accredited by Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). UUC is also recognized internationally by ICHE, International Council for Higher Education.
Year Established
Year Offered Online Degree
Students Enrolled
Books Published

Apply To Union University of California
“Come experience how whole person education can prepare you for a life of meaningful work and purposeful living in today’s complex and changing world! Apply to one of UUC’s certificate, and graduate programs.”
Programs Offered
Graduate Certificates
UUC’s Certificate Programs increases the effectiveness of current pastors and ministry leaders and prepares lay leaders, including church elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, mission trip leaders, denominational officers, or officers or managers in faith-based or secular organizations, to make a greater impact.
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) program is designed to empower and equip students to serve as transformational Christian leaders within today’s multicultural contexts. UUC offers the traditional ministerial skills of biblical and theological competence, effective communication, spiritual sensitivity and maturity, passion for evangelism and pastoral care.
Master of Arts in Ministry (MA)
The Master of Arts in Ministry is an integrated program for leadership in local churches, Bible schools, para-church organizations or other non-profit agencies. Students will examine a variety of subjects related directly to biblical study, theological reflection, ministry and leadership.
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
The program is designed for Graduates to increase their ministerial competencies to a truly professional level, to become experts in all skills and competencies related to Christian ministry: critical reflection, interpersonal skills, capacity for theological interpretation, and special skills for service in particular contexts.